CIS-NYC staff, volunteers and DOJ Accredited Representatives provide immigration legal services in Spanish and English, with an emphasis on assisting with family-based applications to reunify or keep families together. 


    • Immigration application preparation

    • Civic and government instruction

    • Naturalization

    • Family Petitions

    • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

    • Adjustment of status and consular processing cases

    • Replacement of documents such as resident cards and naturalization certificates

    • Screenings for vulnerable populations for alternative forms of relief (such as U visas, SIJ, VAWA, and asylum)

    • Referrals to trusted community partners

Our legal services start with a free initial consultation, where staff attorneys screen for potential forms of relief, educate the client about their rights, and ensure they understand the legal process. 

Our attorneys and Social Workers work hand in hand to ensure all of our clients are treated with empathy, dignity, and respect as they navigate the challenges of the U.S. immigration system.


“I get goosebumps thinking that one day not far into the future, I could be at my oath ceremony and becoming a citizen. Without the unwavering support I received at CIS-NYC, I couldn’t have imagined that I would have the opportunity that I have today. The opportunity of visiting my family, who I have not seen in over five years. Thank you to Javier, Oscar, and the rest of the staff for never giving up on me, even when the odds were against me.”

When Celina came to CIS-NYC in 2019, she was in removal proceedings after migrating to the US from Guatemala. She was unable to afford a private lawyer and other non-profits would not take her case because they didn’t think it was strong enough to win. Through the joint efforts of our legal and social services teams, Celina was granted asylum in March 2020 and the protections were extended to her daughter. We continued to support Celina and her family, and in January 2023, she received her Lawful Permanent Resident Status after a years- long and arduous journey. Soon she will be eligible to apply for citizenship. We have also helped her to petition for her husband and step-son, so that they can live together in the country they call home without fear of separation.

The Immigration Legal Services Program at CIS-NYC is made possible in part by a generous grant from the New York Bar Foundation.



We’re here to support you & your family.


Social Services