Financial pressures and lack of local access to healthy foods can make it difficult for our low-income clients to feed their families, let alone maintain a healthy lifestyle. CIS-NYC addresses this need by distributing well-balanced, healthy and culturally-appropriate packages of food to local families each month. Food distribution is supplemented by additional services and resources offered during distribution hours. In the past this included information about COVID and flu vaccines, tax preparation, job readiness trainings, ESOL classes, health insurance, and registration for SNAP.
Our food pantry currently distributes well-balanced bags of food to about 400 families each week. These bags consist of approximately fifty percent fresh produce.
We estimate that we distributed over 350,000 meals worth of food in 2023.
Saturday | 7:30AM - 9:00AM
To become a member, please come to the pantry during these hours and we will register you.
Cabrini Immigrant Services Food Pantry*
630 Isham Street, New York, NY 10034
*In partnership with the Church of the Good Shepherd
In accordance with federal civil rights law and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.